I’d like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving! I want you to know that I sincerely appreciate you! Thank you so much for reading my articles and blog posts. I’d also like to thank all of the other healthcare professionals who educate their patients, email subscribers, etc. Even though we still have one more month to go in 2016, I’m already preparing to share more great content with you in 2017!
Best of health,
Dr. Eric
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for all the doctors,including yourself that spend so much of their time trying to help others overcome their health problems. Thank you! Most of all,I am just thankful for this gift called life…Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Hallo Dr. Eric
Ich habe bisher immer gute Informationen aus ihren Beiträgen verwenden können.
Hier und heute möchte ich ihnen meinen Dank für die vielen Hinweise schreiben, die auch mir wie vielen anderen hier geholfen haben.
Ich schätze sehr ihre Hinweise auf individuelle Verwendung dieser Ratschläge, ebend weil sie nicht versuchen alle Menschen in eine Schublade bzw eine Richtung zu behandeln.
Mit lieben Gruß
Ihre Marianne
I am Thankful for God allowing me to wake up another morning to another Day!
Thank you for all your information I get from you I’m interested in the Thyroid ,sex organs an sex glands an adrenal gland,hypothyroidism,Leaky gut,Balancing of the Hormones by testing an Balancing Hormones by Diet on how do you get the balance of hormones by the diet ,do we need to get tested to balance hormones by diet alone,where does ribose do for sugar trigliserides,cholesterol an what does ribose do compared to metabolic diabeaties is ribose good for diabeaties to get or make the system an operation of the body correctly working safely an normally as without diabeaties? For corrections in the body functioning normally at what extent is ribose a working effective supplement or is it a great helper to all body functioning metabolically an does ribose help to make neurotransmitters an help function an build on all or many Hormones ! Is ribose important or is it just another supplement for its own set purposes? Can ribose make people smarter in the usage.? Do you believe in from the neck down proper functioning of the body does it overall make the comprehensive whole body run an act healthy ?
what a lovely idea to take a moment out of a busy day and reflect on what to be grateful for – and share it!
I am grateful for having found this website and its amazing and comprehensive resources. Keep posting and I’ll keep reading.
I am also grateful for feeling well now (I was diagnosed with Graves Disease many years ago) and being healthy, and for staying that way as long as possible.
Thank you for asking.
Even Thanksgiving Day is not my holiday ( I am from Russia) I am thankful for your Dr. Eric support for all people who read your site. I am thankful for your unconditional desire to help us via spreading knowledge how to be healthy . I also thankful for every day and experience in my life , my family and freinds.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thanks for all the information and specially for the hope you give to us!I live in the south of Mexico and the only way to find information about Hashimoto is on line. Suplements are also not available (but doctors here dont prescribe any…)Thanks again and have a nice evening!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for being my ‘go-to’ encyclopaedia for all things pertaining to the thyroid. I can be certain of comprehensive, impartial advice. I like that you do not keep pushing yourself or any particular make of supplements as many do.
I often get frustrated with you as my husband only seems to be getting worse not better from his Graves disease despite listening to all your webinars and any others I can hear and putting as much into practice as possible. I want you to say ‘Do this and you will get better’. Deep down I know this is impossible. You do try to help those of us who cannot afford natural healthcare, for which I am grateful. He is due to have RAI soon, but we will continue to peruse your site for help. In the meantime deep down I know natural is best and there is always something we can do, even if it’s ‘to change what we put on the end of our fork’ to quote Dr. Tom O’Bryan from the recent ‘The Betrayal Series’. (Good, but no where near as helpful as your web-site!)
I am thankful for your articles, just the right amount of depth for me. In fact they are more detailed than I can understand fully but I think that this is OK as it teaches me that the issues are complex. I also like the mix of allopathic and herbal approach that you take .
Happy Thanksgiving to you !
I’m more aware how valuable good health is and I’m grateful for every day. I didn’t value or appreciate good health as I do now. I’m awake and alert. I am living smarter. I eat mainly from food at Whole Foods. I eat so much healthier. I take supplements you have recommended. I guess it takes almost losing something to appreciate it the way I should. But there are things I have learned that help. I have a strong faith in God, and I’m grateful for that. I find your blog very important to me. I only wish there were more Drs. that would learn how to heal this holistically. If we started out our lives this way we would never be in a hospital or go to a dr. When I was told that the only fix was the Radiation Iodine, I realized I could never put that poison in my body. It was never an option. So I had to find another dr. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your personal experience through Graves Diseasr.
We don’t celebrate thanksgiving in Australia and New Zealand but i think its wonderful. i am thankful everyday for so many things and healing naturally and thats due to your awesome sharing of articles that helped me find the naturopath i was looking for and confirmation i was heading in the right direction. THank you for all and your team do.