There is a lot of controversy over vaccinations, and it’s not uncommon for a patient who has a thyroid or autoimmune thyroid condition to ask me what I think about vaccines. I’m personally not a big fan of vaccines, and this is not a topic that I have written about in the past, other than a blog post I wrote on the flu shot a few years ago. And it probably isn’t going to be a topic that I write a great deal about in the future. However, for those who are interested in learning about the risks of vaccinations, I encourage you to register for the upcoming Truth About Vaccines documentary that is taking place from 4/12/17 to 4/18/17. It’s from the same creators of the Truth About Cancer documentary series, and you can click here to register for this free event.
Will they be talking at all about autoimmune thyroid conditions such as Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis? I’m honestly not sure, but I have done some research in this area, and there aren’t too many studies which have looked into the relationship between vaccines and thyroid autoimmunity. Apparently cases of Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis following hepatitis B vaccine have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), although one study I came across didn’t see an increased risk of Graves’ Disease or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis following receipt of hepatitis B vaccine (1). But the problem is that there are very few studies involving vaccines and thyroid autoimmunity, and as sad as it is to say, you can’t trust many of the studies out there dismissing vaccines as being harmful, and the reason for this is because many of them involve a conflict of interest.
For example, there has been a lot of controversy over whether vaccines can cause autism. In June 2014, a meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies showed that vaccines are not associated with autism, and that the components of vaccines at the time (i.e. thimerosol) or multiple vaccines are not associated with the development of autism (2). But according to investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson there was a conflict of interest, as the study was created from a firm that lists major vaccine makers among its clients. I don’t know if vaccines cause autism, but it’s scary when you look at some of the ingredients included in vaccines.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the following are some of the common substances found in vaccines (3):
- Aluminum
- Antibiotics
- Egg protein
- Formaldehyde
- Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
- Thimerosal (a mercury-containing preservative)
Keep in mind that the CDC is in favor of vaccines, and they claim that the amount of these chemical additives found in vaccines are very small. While this may be true, this doesn’t mean that they are safe. For example, the amount of mercury used in mercury amalgams is very small as well, but there definitely is a correlation between thyroid autoimmunity and mercury (4) (5). And while the current research doesn’t show a direct correlation between aluminum and autoimmune thyroid conditions, aluminum is a known environmental toxin that can stimulate the immune system, and has been linked to neurotoxicity (6) as well as Alzheimer’s disease (7). Formaldehyde is also a harmful chemical, and many people reading this are aware of the problems associated with Monosodium glutamate (MSG).
If you are interested in learning more about vaccines, then I highly recommend for you to attend the Truth About Vaccines documentary. Here are some of the questions that will be answered:
- Do vaccines confer immunity?
- Are there natural options to vaccination?
- What questions should you ask before you vaccinate?
- Were vaccines responsible for the declines in polio, pertussis, smallpox, etc?
- What about the flu shot and the HPV vaccine?
- Why do outbreaks occur in mostly vaccinated populations?
- Why are some states considering implementing forced vaccine legislation?
- What are possible adverse vaccine reactions?
- Are vaccines linked to cancer?
- Can vaccines cause permanent damage?
- What are all of your options?
Click Here to register for The Truth About Vaccines documentary. Also, please feel free to share your thoughts about vaccines in the comments section below.
Yes! I developed Grave’s disease within the weeks following the only vaccine I ever had as an adult (tetanus). Changed my life forever 🙁
Oh, I got Graves disease about 2 years after a tetanus shot. I also had lots of amalgam filings and some crowns, with who knows what kind of metals in them. Amalgam filings are now gone, crowns still there…
Drank the RAI 131, now my thyroid is a yoyo.
Still trying to clear up the root cause of whatever caused the Graves.
So I know this from several months ago but I just stumbled across this article. I am 10 weeks pregnant and at my 6 weeks dr appt it was recommended to get the flu shot. I didn’t get it when pregnant with my first and felt guilty about it. I got it that afternoon and then did my initial blood work for the pregnancy at 9 weeks pregnant. I now have extreme hyperthyroid, can’t be diagnosed with graves disease while pregnant, but it seems odd that this develops the first time after I ever got the shot. Previously I hadn’t had the flu shot since I was in elementary school in the early 1990’s. It’s possible that its completely unrelated but still makes me wonder.
I have Fibromyalgia & CFS, I got Fibromyalgia symptoms in 2000 shortly after an assault at work resulted in a minor soft tissue neck injured at thought that was the trigger. However, I was managing really well when I got CFS in 2012 days after a Hep B booster jab because my immunity was non-existent, still was even after jab. However, it got me thinking as I remembered I was new to my job prior to my Fibromyalgia symptoms & would have had my initial Hep B jabs & booster back in early 2000, so was that the cause of my Fibromyalgia as well. Now with this proposal, my mother was dx Hypothyroid in 1998, I had symptoms at the same time but wasn’t dx until 1999 as doctor thought I was copying my mother! However, in mid 1998 we had vacationed in Tunisia whereby I know we had a couple of vaccinations before going, so were these the possible cause of our Thyroid problems? Interesting thought.
I am (was) an RN and the flu shot I received at the hospital where I worked almost killed me. It’s a very long story but I ended up in the hospital for 9 days where they tested me for everything, or so I thought. The only thing they could come up with was that it was autoimmune. I was out on if prednisone and then oral for four years as I continued to be ill. I ultimately developed brain lesions but they were odd. I endured a brain biopsy and the tissue was sent to three different places because they couldn’t determine what they were looking at. So, they decided that “it must be lymphoma” and put me through seven months of heavy chemo. I finally said ✋ Stop. I went home sicker than when I started and got on the internet. When I discovered hypothyroid mom I just cried. This was me. This is what I’ve been through. It was eight years ago and permanent damage had occurred. I’m now on naturethroid for Hashimoto’s disease (which can cause brain lesions when undiagnosed). I’m also on permanent disability due to it. That’s the short version. Thanks for asking.
*it was eight years since the flu shot
There’s simply too much credible information against vaccines to ignore. I was once convinced, like everyone.
Global health policy ‘needs’ to ‘eradicate’ disease. Pharma needs to make money, and vaccines are an infinite cash cow. Medical schools can’t teach doctors to think critically so authorities in white coats force vaccines like white police. Governments push the shots because need to be re-elected and so can’t have ‘outbreaks’ of ‘diseases’ in the population.
Too many vested interests to believe in what is increasingly being shown to be faulty science and dangerous and even killer ingredients.
A side note: I watched the Netflix comedy of very liberal standup, Patton Oswalt. I was dismayed when he made jokes about ‘anti-vax weirdos’ to great audience laughs. A few months later his wife was dead of everyday polypharmacy (Xanax and a few other things). People like him fail to make the connections between how pharma has been normalized to a self-destructive degree. Vaccines are simply for-profit pharmacy.
Glad Sayer Ji and other Integrative people are breaking through the lies. Maybe the boost that RFK, Jr is getting from Trump (of all places) will help, too.
I have Hashotos disease, but would not even consider not receiving a vaccination because of it. There is so much controversy over whether vaccinations outweigh the negative effects. There will always be people who think we should never have a vaccination ever. This controversy will go on forever but if you take a look at the statistics and the pockets of outbreaks that our country experiences, then you will also see that the outbreaks come from areas of foreign born ( who are not vaccinated) or citizens who chose not to vaccinate. These people are a risk to others and themselves if they don’t vaccinate and the spread of diseases are what you will find. No this is not a immigration issue because there are so many citizens who choose not to vaccinate. This is a matter of public health and what is best for the country and the American people even if that means there may be some negative effects from receiving a vaccination , the effects are minimal compared to wiping out a whole population from diseases if you didn’t receive a vaccination. So Yes ,me having Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can sometimes cause problems for me but this is nothing compared to being infected with a horrendous, deadly disease that can wipe out yourself, your family and a whole population. It your responsibility to protect yourself and others from diseases that we have eradicated. Think not just about yourself but for the whole community around you.
I got Graves Disease less than 6 months after the last dose of the Hpv vaccine aged 26
I had a bad reaction to an MMR vaccination. Swollen glands, pale skin, tiredness over several days. My doctor said it was ok, just my body reacting as it should. I never quite felt right after that, even after the initial symptoms left. This distress progressed and eventually manifested as autoimmune disorder affecting my thyroid. The endocrinologist I was eventually referred to, called it Graves Disease. I was given pills to repress glandular functions with the warning that my white blood cell count could plummet. Im not taking them. I dont have confidence in the medical system (US). Seems like way too much pharma and not enough patient care.
Its a money thing, thats all I can see now. Megacorps with little to no accountability driving the practice. Your health is up to you. Think. And stay healthy.
Regarding the contents of vaccines,
The WI-38 cell line is used as a culture to grow live viruses that are used in vaccines. If you want to know more about the source and process consider researching more on WI-38.
Im the current news (Sept 2017) measles are “rampant” and vaccination is recommended beginning with infants of 6 months and up. American Academy of Pediatrics promoted Thimerosal (50% mercury* by wt) for use as a preservative in batch quantity vaccines. There are infant vaccines available that omit this mercury* base preservative. Protect your babies.
At age 25 I got a small concussion. At the hospital, the nurse kept pushing the Tdap vaccine and I kept saying NO I only have a scrape. She sent in a doctor and another nurse who said that if I didn’t get it I’d get tetanus and die. I know, horrible scare tactics. So I begrudgingly got the shot. I immediately started shaking and by the time I was home had horrible shoulder & chest pain and swelling. My health deteriorated after that. Constant shoulder pain, air hunger, passing out from not being able to breathe. I now have 4 autoimmune diseases, Hashimoto’s, celiac, lichen sclerosis, and tietz syndrome(which is tied to an incorrect injection of the Tdap in to the shoulder where I received mine instead of the middle of the upper arm) oh I also have severe chemical allergies, asthma, and food allergies now. Before that shot I worked 6 days a week now only 5 years later, I’m down to three days and my life has been turned around. Vaccine injury made my life a nightmare.
I recently had a DTAP Vaccine do to excessive stings from WASPs, I also had my labs ordered for my annual PE. I was told my TSH level INCREASED above normal? Could that be do to vaccine or stings?
I was diagnosed with hepatitis B six years ago when I became pregnant with my first child. My husband got tested for the virus as well but the results turned out negative. I had no idea how or where I contracted that virus. I had no signs or symptoms before the test. Last year I was getting some burning sensations in both feet and insomnia. I have not had any medications. December 2017 our family doctor started me on Green House Herbal Clinic Hepatitis B Virus Herbal mixture, 5 weeks into treatment I improved dramatically. At the end of the full treatment course, the disease is totally under control. No case of insomnia, burning feet, or weakness. Visit Green House Herbal Clinic official website www. greenhouseherbalclinic .com. I am strong again and able to go about daily activities. This Herbal Formula is Incredible!! My life is back.
Tdap was pushed on me while pregnant, I did not want to get it during pregnancy but I felt pressured into getting it when the baby was born. Soon after (maybe immediately, but I didn’t know what was going on and didn’t get it checked out for a while) developed hyperthyroidism and 3 months later hypothyroidism- then I was diagnosed with hashimoto’s. I had been very healthy before this, had a perfect pregnancy, natural birth (as much as possible in a hospital), and have no family history of any diseases. Coincidentally my brother developed hashimoto’s a year later. His situation: he’s in the army and they require lots of vaccinations…
My daughter did too and diabetes. Is it possible autoimmune cells can be carried into a vaccine some how?
I have hyperthyroidism already and am being told I’m due for my tetanus booster but do not think it’s safe to take when I already have hyperthyroidism. Can anyone confirm if I should or shouldn’t take it.