Millions of people with hypothyroidism also have gallbladder issues, and having a gallbladder problem can worsen one’s hypothyroid condition. One of the main reasons for this is because someone with a malfunctioning gallbladder will have problems breaking down fats, which will lead to thick, sluggish bile. This in turn will interfere with hormone metabolism.
I’ve discussed estrogen dominance in past articles numerous times, as this condition is due to an imbalance in the hormones estrogen and progesterone. It usually is caused by a progesterone deficiency, and as a result, many holistic doctors will recommend bioidentical progesterone to correct such a problem. And while natural progesterone can do wonders at times, it doesn’t fix the actual cause of the condition, which should be the goal of any competent holistic doctor. But estrogen dominance can also lead to thick sluggish bile, and so someone with estrogen dominance very well might have gallbladder issues. And as mentioned earlier, this in turn will interfere with hormone metabolism.
In any case, many people with hypothyroidism have estrogen dominance, and as a result these people are more likely to experience gallbladder problems. This of course isn’t the only reason why gallbadder issues arise, but it is one of the main reasons why these issues are common in people with hypothyroidism. Most people don’t think of gallbladder problems being linked with a hormone imbalance, but this is indeed a common cause.
The Consequences Of Not Correcting The Gallbladder Dysfunction
When someone has a gallbladder problem and begins experiencing the common symptoms (bloating, gas, stomach pain, etc.), what frequently happens is that they avoid the foods which exacerbate the malfunctioning gallbladder. This of course helps with the symptoms, but does nothing to address the actual cause of the disorder. And sometimes patients will forget they even had these symptoms to begin with. For example, many patients who fill out my health history forms will only list the symptoms they are currently experiencing, or those which occur frequently. If they avoid the foods that cause the symptoms which indicate a malfunctioning gallbladder, then I of course can’t rely on the symptoms they listed alone.
This is why it can take some detective work in order to detect an underlying gallbladder problem. While the current symptoms the patient are experiencing is important, it’s also necessary to find out if the patient at one time had symptoms indicative of a gallbladder dysfunction, so that this could be addressed. If the gallbladder problem is not addressed, then of course the person will continue to have the thick, sluggish bile, which will continue to interfere with hormone metabolism, and it overall will affect the digestive process as well.
And as I’ve also mentioned in past articles, having a strong digestive system is imperative for someone who is looking to restore their health back to normal by following a natural treatment protocol. A big part of the recovery process involves eating well and taking certain nutritional supplements and/or herbs. And if the person doesn’t have a properly functioning digestive system, then they won’t receive optimal results.
How To Avoid Gallbladder Surgery…And Restore Its Function
Many people with gallbladder problems will eventually develop gallstones, and if this pattern persists, and it frequently does, then gallbladder surgery very well might be recommended. While removing the gallbladder might help with some of the symptoms, it of course doesn’t do anything for the thick, sluggish bile. So people who have already had their gallbladder removed really do need lifetime nutritional support to help thin the bile.
Of course my goal is to help prevent people from getting to the point where gallbladder surgery is recommended. One obvious thing you can begin doing is to eat well, eating mostly whole foods, avoiding refined sugars and fast food, etc. While you don’t need to make an effort to completely avoid fats, you should know the difference between “good fats” and “bad fats”. For example, if you eat raw nuts and seeds, these consist of “good fats”, and when eaten in moderation they are actually healthy for you. On the other hand, a large milkshake also has a lot of fat, but this is considered to be a “bad fat”. This doesn’t mean you can never have another milkshake again, or any other foods which consist of “bad fats”, but you do need to minimize your consumption of such foods.
In addition to eating well, when estrogen dominance is the culprit this of course needs to be addressed. A hormone panel will help to detect this condition. And when someone has this condition they will need to follow a specific natural treatment protocol to correct the hormone imbalance. When left untreated, estrogen dominance can create many different problems, but the good news is that once detected it can be corrected (at least for those people willing to follow the protocol).
How about a gallbladder flush? Well, this can help some people with gallbladder issues, although I usually use this as a last resort. If someone is presenting with severe gallbladder problems I will of course rule out estrogen dominance first. If this is the problem, then usually correcting it will help greatly with the gallbladder issue. But if the problems persist then I very well might turn to a gallbladder flush.
In summary, many people with hypothyroidism have the condition known as estrogen dominance, and this in turn can lead to a gallbladder issue. And anyone who is looking to restore their health by following a natural treatment protocol will need to correct the estrogen dominance problem, which in turn will frequently correct the gallbladder issue. Not addressing these conditions will interfere with the hormones, the digestive process, and will make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to fully restore one’s health back to normal.