First of all, I’d like to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving, and would like to thank you for supporting this website. I greatly enjoy providing this information on thyroid and endocrine health to you, and hope to continue doing so for many years to come. I hope you have benefited from the information provided on both the blog posts and articles.
One of the great challenges is continuously trying to come up with interesting topics which appeal to a wide variety of people. While it is not feasible for every post and article to benefit everyone, I do try my best to write content which will appeal to a high percentage of the visitors of this website. I of course want to continue providing you with interesting content, and as a result I am going to ask you for a small favor.
If there are any topics I haven’t yet covered on my blog posts or articles which you would like me to discuss, please send me an email to let me know. Ideally I would like it to be somewhat related to thyroid disorders, or at the very least be related to the endocrine system. I can’t promise I’ll write about every topic that is emailed to me, but if I get multiple requests on the same topic I will strongly consider writing about it.
You can email me at
Thanks for your feedback, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Dr. Eric