Although my practice focuses on thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions, over the years I have seen more and more patients with Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). As a result, I have done a good amount of research on SIBO, and I have attended numerous SIBO conferences (including the recent 2017 SIBO Symposium via livestream). In this email I’d like to give those with SIBO five valuable resources.
Note: The fifth resource I listed is time sensitive, and so depending on when you read this blog post it might no longer be available.
1. My recent blog post on SIBO. Recently I wrote a detailed blog post on SIBO entitled “Can SIBO Trigger Thyroid Autoimmunity?“. If you have SIBO and haven’t read this I would do so when you get the chance. In this post I discuss four of the most common causes of SIBO, along with the relationship between IBS and SIBO. I also discuss how SIBO is diagnosed, including the different testing options. I go into detail about the different types of diets, and I finish up by discussing both conventional and natural treatment options for SIBO, including the role of prokinetics in preventing a relapse.
2. Dr. Allison Siebecker’s website. Dr. Siebecker has a practice that focuses on SIBO, and her website has a lot of valuable information. While there is plenty of information on her website, I find her video series on the elemental diet to be especially helpful. Although Dr. Siebecker wasn’t a speaker at the 2017 SIBO Symposium, she presented at the previous ones, and is one of the main speakers in the upcoming SIBO Summit mentioned below.
3. Dr. Nirala Jacobi’s SIBO podcasts. A patient made me aware of these a few months ago, and I must admit that the information is excellent. One of my favorite podcast interviews is Dr. Donna Beck’s discussion on SIBO and salicylates. But there are many other excellent interviews as well.
4. SIBO Discussion/Support Facebook Group. This group has both healthcare practitioners as members, along with patients who have SIBO. It’s an awesome group for those with SIBO looking for support and/or those who are willing to give advice and provide emotional support to others with SIBO.
5. The SIBO SOS Summit. This is a free online summit that focuses on SIBO, and it starts on June 24th. There are some amazing speakers participating, including Dr. Allison Siebecker and Dr. Nirala Jacobi, along with other SIBO experts such as Dr. Lisa Shaver, Dr. Gary Weiner, Dr. Michael Ruscio, and Dr. Leonard Weinstock. And there are other well known speakers including Dr. Datis Kharrazian, Dr. Daniel Kalish, and Donna Gates. You can register for the free summit by clicking here.
I hope you find these resources to be valuable. If there are other SIBO resources you know of which you have found to be valuable, including but not limited to other websites, podcasts, and support groups, please feel free to share these in the comments section below.