Most people visiting this website are looking for a natural solution to their hyperthyroid or hypothyroid condition. And of course my goal as a holistic doctor is to try to help people with thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions restore their health naturally. However, I also frequently state how I don’t recommend for people to abruptly stop taking their thyroid medication. This of course applies to both hypothyroid and hyperthyroid conditions.
Hyperthyroidism & Graves’ Disease: For people with hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease, it can be very important to continue taking antithyroid drugs and/or beta blockers to manage the symptoms. Many people I consult with become disappointed when I tell them not to abruptly stop taking their medication. Some were hoping I would tell them the opposite, and to stop taking their medication immediately. From a liability standpoint I would never tell any patient to stop taking their medication. But besides the legalities involved, I do think it’s important for some people to take the antithyroid drugs.
This might make me sound like a hypocrite, as I didn’t take any antithyroid medication when I was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease. However, even though I admit it was a risk not doing this, I didn’t consider my cardiac symptoms to be too severe. My pulse rate averaged between 90 and 100 beat per minute, and occasionally was higher than this, which were definitely higher than my “normal” pulse rate, which was usually in the mid 60s. But I never considered my condition to be life threatening, which isn’t the case with some other people who have a hyperthyroid condition.
On the other hand, someone with a pulse rate greater than 120 beats per minute is on the higher end. This doesn’t mean that someone with a pulse rate less than this should stop taking the antithyroid drugs, as this really is only something the person can decide to do on their own. Besides, someone with an underlying heart condition can be at risk even with a heart rate of 90 beats per minute. Just keep in mind that it takes time for a natural treatment protocol to kick in. So what many people choose to do is continue taking the antithyroid drugs while at the same time begin the natural treatment protocol, and then will eventually wean off the prescription drugs (preferably under the supervision of their medical doctor).
Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Most of these people are of course taking synthetic or natural thyroid hormone to manage their symptoms. While it usually isn’t as risky for people taking thyroid hormone to abruptly stop, it still isn’t advised. This is especially true if you’re hypothyroid because you had a partial thyroidectomy or received RAI, as while there still is a chance of restoring your thyroid health back to normal, it is more challenging in these cases. So the best approach is to begin the natural treatment protocol, and if this protocol is effective the person can then begin weaning off the thyroid hormone (also under the guidance of their medical doctor of course).
But even if the person hasn’t had surgery performed or received RAI, they still shouldn’t abruptly stop taking their thyroid medication. Just as is the case with hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease, it will take time for the natural treatment methods to take effect. As I’ve stated numerous times in past posts and articles, many of these hypothyroid conditions are caused by weakened adrenal glands. And even though the adrenal glands are usually quick to respond once someone begins a natural treatment protocol, it still does take some time to restore their health.
When Can Someone Stop Taking Their Thyroid Medication?
There is no exact answer to this question, as it really depends on the individual. As I mentioned earlier, not everyone can stop taking their thyroid medication. Many people are ready to begin weaning off their thyroid medication one or two months after beginning a natural treatment protocol. For others, it might take a little longer than this. And as I’ve already brought up, I don’t ever tell a person to begin weaning off their thyroid medication, as people really should consult with their medical doctor, although many doctors won’t be receptive to natural treatment methods. As a result, many people end up weaning themselves off the thyroid medication once they begin experiencing the benefits of a natural treatment protocol.
Can One Use Supplements Or Herbs To Manage The Symptoms Instead Of The Medication?
There are certain herbs people with these conditions can take to manage the symptoms. However, it is completely up to the person whether they want to substitute one or more herbs for the medication. For example, with hyperthyroid conditions the herbs Bugleweed and Motherwort frequently do a good job of managing the symptoms. But besides these herbs taking some time to kick in, they don’t always manage the symptoms as well as the prescription drugs. With hypothyroid conditions, a combination of Bladderwrack and Ashwaganda may take the place of synthetic or natural thyroid hormone in some individuals. But once again, it takes time for this to work, and these herbs aren’t effective substitutes in everyone with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.
In summary, people with hypothyroid and hyperthyroid conditions shouldn’t abruptly stop taking their medication, mainly because there is always some risk involved when doing this. Although the ultimate goal of a natural treatment protocol is to restore the person’s health back to normal, this typically is a slow process, taking at least a few weeks before the person begins feeling better, and a few months before significant changes take place. While many people understandably want to stop taking their thyroid medication immediately, the best approach is to begin the protocol and then begin to gradually wean off the thyroid medication under the supervision of a medical doctor.
Iam practicing vegan and organic as possible. I experienced difficulty with Thyroid medication of 12.5 mcg of T-4 and 5.0 mcg of T-3. My side effects of cough and pinched throat have limited my Yoga practice and Life. I am stopping it and increasing my natural remedy support.
I am under naturetrhoid, my THS is already like 1.5 which is good after being close to 13, however since I’ve started naturetrhoid I started feeling better emotionally and less tired but I gained close to 20 PDS, when I was diagnosed I was 170 I’m 190pds now, my back and arms got huge, and a huge moon face, I’m so sad because I read that probably the hormones caused me this deformation, I’m totally unrecognizable and I just want to stop taking hormones, so I am also taking the thyroids supplement that contains ashawanda, selenium, etc..and was told that I could start slowly taking off the medication but I’m scare something may happen to my heart or I’ve read that we could have organ failure this true? Even if slowing down the doses ? Or do you recommend trying another thyroid medication instead, since I’m hashimitos my TPO is 440, very high, and this is what caused me to be hypo. Please I will.appraciate any advice.
Hi Nancy,
Although it sounds like the Nature-Throid might not be a good fit for you, I’m not sure if the solution is to wean off of the medication and to rely on natural supplements and herbs. This is especially true if the TSH was around 13 when you weren’t taking thyroid hormone medication. While a different thyroid hormone replacement might be a good idea, I would work with a natural healthcare practitioner, and of course you want to also do things to address the autoimmune component of your condition.
I feel better when I skip a few doses or levothyroxine, plain and simple. I have been off it for five days and was feeling great, insomnia gone and emotional stability returned with just a more centered feeling. However, I got scared after doing research and seeing that you should not abruptly stop the medication so I took my usual dose this morning. Here I am up at 4 am because I can’t sleep, felt anxious and have twitching in my calves. However, I can’t find a doctor who will go by how a patient feels over blood test results.
That’s interesting, as I agree that you also need to listen to your body, but I’m wondering if you’re on too high of a dosage based on your symptoms.
What is too high? I have similar problems with my levothyroxine. When I skip a couple of doses I will start feeling better.
I am on natural protocol for an about one year. Never had my TSH higher then 2,5. TPO antibodies were 180 the highest. Now my TSH 0.01 all other t3, t3free and t4 above limits. TPO antibodies 140.
I am on WP lowest dose, 16,5.
What to do? Was I over treated?
My current test results are
23.74 mIU/ml
Free T4
0.6 ng/dL
Hemoglobin A1C%
8.8 %
I have been taking Bugleweed and Lemon Balm to treat Graves for about 9 months, and I have been able to wean off PTU during that time (my last dose was two weeks ago). I am due for Labs again soon but wondering if just taking the Bugleweed and Lemon Balm could have sent me into a hypo state. For a few days, I have been very, very fatigued and somewhat chilled, with a suddenly dry scalp and brittle nails.
How will I know when and how to wean off the natural supplements?
Hi Elisa,
Bugleweed has antithyroid properties, and while it’s not as potent as antithyroid drugs, it is possible that it can lead to temporary hypothyroidism. Lemon balm is less likely to do so. Either way, this is a good sign, as when someone’s numbers start becoming hypo then this is an indication to begin reducing the dosage of the antithyroid herbs.
Just found your site. Im hypo since 2013 had no thyroid problems until cancer treatment. Aggressive radiation and chemo. Celebrated 5 years cancer free this yr! !!! Can’t get thyroid problem corrected. 2 endros didn’t agree with my taking armour thyroid so no longer seeing them. My GP is good trying to help. Currently on 15mg ever other day of armour thyroid. TSH 6.78 T3 and T4 are out of range. I tried to increase dose to ever day. ….can’t tolerate makes me feel very disconnected. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Julee
(I eat mostly organic hardly any dairy not much red me at all)
Congratulations on being 5 years cancer free Julee! I’m honestly not sure why you are unable to tolerate armour every day but do fine when taking it every other day. Although iodine is controversial in the world of thyroid health, in your situation you might want to consider doing a urinary iodine test. Hakala Labs offers iodine testing directly to patients. If you test positive for an iodine deficiency it probably would be a good idea to work with a practitioner who can offer you guidance to help you correct the deficiency. Supporting detoxification pathways also would be a good idea.
I have been on synthroid .075 for about 2 years, before that I was on armour. I had bad side effects from synthroid and didn’t know what is was until I lost my meds and for a week felt better than ever. I ended up finding my meds. but decided I didn’t need the synthroid. (though I felt bad all the time, my test would come back normal on this dose of synthroid). I realize I can’t go back on it. I tried weaning the pill to half and felt bad still. So now I am trying to wean with only about 1/4 of that .075 pill. I am nausea, lathargic and don’t know what to do, this is week 3 now. I can not get back on synthroid. Should I stick it out like I am doing (1/4 of synthroid pill) until all the symptoms go away. I have been taking adrenal supplements, thyroid supplements, zinc, selenium, B viltamins, and D. Can you give me any advice?
I need to get off the thyroid drugs ASAP. They both have heart and kidney problems listed as possible side effects, and I’ve now developed both.
One of the drugs is associated with developing cellulitis because of edema resulting from heart issues, and I got that, too.