Graves’ Disease is an autoimmune thyroid condition that can cause symptoms such as increased heart rate, palpitations, weight loss, increased appetite, and numerous other symptoms. It is characterized by an overproduction of thyroid hormone, which is what leads to these symptoms. Conventional Graves Disease treatment methods consist of antithyroid drugs and radioactive iodine therapy, and while these are usually effective in managing the symptoms of this condition, they do nothing to address the actual cause of this condition. On the other hand, a natural Graves Disease treatment protocol has the potential to restore one’s health back to normal.
Rather than taking prescription drugs on a long term basis to manage the symptoms or receive harsh treatment methods such as radioactive iodine therapy, a natural Graves Disease treatment protocol will attempt to get to the underlying cause of your disorder. In fact, more and more people with Graves’ Disease are choosing natural treatment methods to help restore their health. Although most endocrinologists label Graves’ Disease as being incurable, many people can have their health restored to normal by following a natural treatment protocol. Sure, for some people it might be necessary to take antithyroid medication or beta blockers on a temporary basis while addressing the cause of the condition, but the ultimate goal should be to detect and then remove the autoimmune trigger, and restore the health of any compromised areas of the body.
In fact, I was personally diagnosed with Graves’ Disease and successfully used natural treatment methods to restore my health back to normal. Like many others with this condition, I was skeptical that natural treatment methods would help with my condition. On the other hand, I knew that antithyroid drugs would do nothing more than temporarily manage the symptoms, and I wanted to avoid radioactive iodine at all costs. As a result I followed a natural Graves Disease treatment protocol, and I received great results.
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Book On Hyperthyroidism & Graves Disease Reveals How To Restore Your Health By Following A Natural Treatment Protocol…And Avoid Radioactive IodineI apologize for interrupting the content, which does continue below. I just wanted to briefly make you aware of my book, which is in its second edition, as it can help to restore your health back to normal through natural treatment methods, and help you avoid radioactive iodine treatment. This is a real book and is not an ebook, as it consists of 360 pages and 33 chapters, and it is a must-read for anyone with hyperthyroidism or Graves’ Disease who is looking to restore their health naturally.
Click Here to purchase the book on Amazon Click Here to purchase the book on Barnes & Noble |
The Underlying Cause Of Graves’ Disease IS NOT The Thyroid Gland
Even though Graves’ Disease is considered by many people to be a thyroid condition, the malfunctioning thyroid gland is not the actual cause of this disorder. Remember that this is an autoimmune thyroid condition, and it is the autoimmune response that causes the thyroid gland to produce an excess amount of thyroid hormone. Specifically TSI antibodies attack the TSH receptors, which lead to an increased production of thyroid hormone. Despite this, most endocrinologists don’t pay any attention to the immune system, but instead focus all of their efforts towards the thyroid gland.
While managing the symptoms of Graves’ Disease can be important, ignoring the immune system component of this condition doesn’t make sense. It is important to understand that it is not easy to improve the health of the compromised immune system. Some people with Graves’ Disease think that taking an immune system support formula will be enough to restore their immune system health, when this usually isn’t the case. The reason for this is because while the autoimmune response is causing the malfunctioning thyroid gland, other areas of the body frequently cause the compromised immune system, which ultimately leads to the development of Graves’ Disease.
For example, many people with Graves’ Disease have adrenal glands that are stressed out, which over a period of many months or years can lead to immune system dysregulation. Other areas of the body can also lead to a compromised immune system, which is why it’s important to look beyond the thyroid gland and the immune system, and take a whole body approach to determine what is the actual cause of the condition. This is why a person who is thinking about trying a natural Graves Disease treatment protocol should consult with a competent natural endocrine doctor.
The Risks Of Conventional Treatment Methods
Although some people with Graves’ Disease do need to take antithyroid drugs to manage the symptoms, one needs to keep in mind that taking these drugs isn’t without risks. Antithyroid medication such as Methimazole and PTU can cause damage to the cells of the liver, and beta blockers such as Propranolol can block the production of Coenzyme Q10. In addition, since these drugs do nothing to address the actual cause of your condition, not addressing the immune system component can lead to other conditions in the future. In fact, research has shown that people with an autoimmune thyroid disorder are more likely to develop other autoimmune conditions. A big reason for this is because most endocrinologists don’t do anything to improve the health of the immune system.
Radioactive Iodine treatment also doesn’t address the cause of Graves’ Disease. It actually damages the thyroid gland, thus inhibiting its ability to produce thyroid hormone. This doesn’t sound like much of a cure to me, especially since many people who receive this harsh treatment method will need to take thyroid hormone medication for the rest of their life. And just like taking antithyroid drugs, this treatment method does absolutely nothing to address the compromised immune system, which is why it’s not uncommon for someone with Graves’ Disease who receives RAI to eventually develop other autoimmune conditions.
Can Natural Treatment Methods Really Cure Graves’ Disease?
As for whether natural treatment methods can truly cure Graves’ Disease, although I’m cautious about using the word “cure”, my own personal success story with Graves’ Disease proves that it is possible to restore a person’s health with this condition. I must admit that it is not an easy process, as if anybody is looking for a quick and easy cure for their condition then they will be extremely disappointed. When beginning a natural Graves Disease treatment protocol, one needs to take responsibility for their own health.
In other words, there isn’t a “magic” pill or supplement that you can take to restore your health back to normal. There are numerous factors involved, and while taking the right type of nutritional supplements can be beneficial, this alone will not restore your health back to normal. The first step in restoring your health is to receive an evaluation by a competent natural healthcare professional who focuses on endocrine conditions, as they will determine what is causing your condition, and then will do what is necessary to help restore your health back to normal.
Even for those people with Graves’ Disease who can’t have their health restored back to normal, natural treatment methods still might be beneficial. The reason for this is because those people with Graves’ Disease who end up taking radioactive iodine will still have a compromised immune system, as well as other areas of their body that might be out of balance. So even though the person’s symptoms might improve after receiving RAI, by no means should they be considered to be in a state of good health.
The Dangers Of Self-Treating Graves’ Disease
While it’s great news that more and more people with Graves’ Disease are seeking natural treatment methods to restore their health, many people make the mistake of trying to self-treat their condition. While it might seem easy enough to visit your local health food store and purchase a few supplements and herbs that claim to help with thyroid conditions and provide immune system support, one needs to understand that taking nutritional supplements alone is not enough to overcome this complex autoimmune thyroid condition.
Remember that there are certain lifestyle factors that play a role in the development of Graves’ Disease, and of course other factors can also cause or contribute to this condition, such as environmental toxins and genetics (although research is showing that genetics doesn’t play as big of a role as many people think, which is good news for anyone considering a natural Graves Disease treatment protocol). Most people with Graves’ Disease who try to self-treat their condition don’t receive any long term benefits, which is why it’s best to consult with an expert.
Consult With A Natural Endocrine Doctor
So if you have Graves’ Disease and are interested in treating your condition naturally, then you should consider consulting with a natural healthcare professional who focuses on endocrine conditions. Such a doctor will be able to formulate a natural Graves’ Disease treatment protocol that will not only manage your symptoms, but will also help restore your health back to normal. And if your health can’t be restored to normal, then a competent doctor will tell you this. Either way, when faced with taking antithyroid drugs on a long term basis or receiving radioactive iodine therapy, you really have nothing to lose by giving natural treatment methods a try.
For more information on how natural Graves’ Disease treatment methods can help with your condition, please check out my free guide entitled “6 Steps On How To Treat Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Through Natural Methods”. To receive this free guide, simply enter your first name and email address on the right side of this page. You’ll also receive natural thyroid health tips and updates on any free webinars on natural thyroid health.
Here are some of my patients with thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions who have benefited from following a natural treatment protocol.
Since following the natural treatment protocol I have all of the energy that I had before Graves’ Disease, and not being on the meds feel wonderful. Being able to do all of the things that I used to do is fantastic, as we all take so many things for granted in life, and our health/body is very sensitive so what we feed it is so important, good in good out. Little by little my blood work came back to the normal range (within 4 to 6 months) but you have to follow the protocol.
Michael Addario
Albany, NY

Norma Lopez
Houston, TX
School Teacher
I was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease, and I began to notice changes in my symptoms pretty quickly after beginning the natural treatment protocol. After the first month my palpitations and anxiety type symptoms almost disappeared and I was sleeping better at night. The second month results were even better. I felt so good that I began tapering off my antidepressant medication that I had been taking for years. After the third month all of the symptoms that I had experienced prior were no longer present. My energy levels were better than they had been in a year and my thyroid lab results were within the normal range.
Melissa Noi
Aurora, Colorado